Saturday, March 21, 2009

My squirrel problem

Well I found a temporary fix to the squirrels eating all the bird food from the most popular feeder. I took a frisbee and cut a hole in the middle and put on top. So far I haven't seen any of them get past it, but its only been a couple of days. Now they are attacking the other one, jumping from the tree to it, they can't get to the seeds from climbing up the pole. So I will have to move it some where. Finding a spot that isn't close to any trees is going to be fun other than in the middle of the yard, and that is where it would be in the way of our outside time. I will have to try out some places.

Blue Jays building

This past couple days I've been watching a pair of BlueJays building their nest. I discovered where they were doing this when we were putting our storage shed together, its a tree close to it. They seem to be working together, I've seen one sitting on the branch outside my window looking around, they fly off when the other one would catch up. I found out where they are getting their nest building materials, I surprised them when I went to my rose garden. I was going to clean up some of the grass clumps that I left, they were grabbing some stuff from there.
So I will leave it there until tomorrow.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pileated woodpecker

The pileated woodpecker visits us regularly, sometimes in pairs or more. The first time we saw them we chased them throughout our property and the woods. Now they come to us. We will be working on attracting them on a more frequent basis. I just hope that the squirrels don't get to the their treats first, like before.

Time to rethink it

Going to have to rethink the position of the bird feeder close to the ground, the squirrels are jumping onto it and having a feast. I've neglected my birds for the past couple days, we have been putting together a storage shed on the other side of the yard, from dusk to dawn. I'll catch up by the weekend, I have some pics I want to get on here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Additions to the bird area

We added another bird feeder and bird bath to the trees in the middle of the left side of the yard. And there is our kitten sitting there looking for the birds. She will lay down waiting for one to come along. We plan on adding some plants around the trees, perhaps some morning glories, not quiet sure yet.

The Owl

My daughter tried to enlarge the picture of the owl but it only became blurry, you can still see it but have to really look hard. I have a feeling this will never happen again, one of those once in a life time things. Oh well.