Friday, May 15, 2009

Baby screech owls parents return

The parents of the baby screech owls returned. It looked like one of the had food in its mouth. They sat on the tree and called and called. They were still looking when I came in. I hope that they return every night. We are waiting for the call tomorrow about the babies, she is very sure the one is fine, its alert and standing. But the one that landed first and was laying there on its back she is concerned about, she said that if it makes it through the night than there is hope. I hope that she can bring them back shortly so the parents can take care of them. Even if she only brings back the stronger one I think the parents would be happy, I just hope that they continue to return.

Baby screech owls

We found out that our babies are screech owls, we made a call and they say its against the law for us to raise them ourselves. So they will take them check them out and when they are stronge enough return them to our yard to see if the mother will return to finish caring for them. they said they would build a nest for them in the same tree so if the mother returns she will find them, guess they will have to fend for themselves if she doesn't.
That is really cool that they return them to the spot where they were born.
I'll be posting some pics as I get them from my daughter.


Last night durning the storm two big chunks of our woodpecker tree fell again. I was outside feeding the birds and heard a thump, if the dog hadn't looked over there I wouldn't of checked it out. There laying on the ground was a baby owl, we had just gotten it picked up and in a box when another one fell. We put them in the shade of the house and she looked up who to try and get ahold of. She found on this site its best to leave them where they fell so the mother can return to retrieve them. It said they should return in an hour or two, but I wonder where she went when the tree fell. Did she go to find another place, or just leave them. The nest was opened and exposed to the elements. I don't think an owl, a night creature will be returning during the day. So I'm sitting here making sure something doesn't get them while we wait on the mothers return. Awhile ago another part of the same tree fell and we found an egg, now we wonder if perhaps it was one of the owl eggs.
Of course we got pics my daughter is inside downloading them, she will be sending them to me. Most of their coats are the white fuzz, with some grey and black feathers coming in. If she doesn't return we will have to decide quickly what to do, lots of research, call someone about them, should we keep them and try to raise them til they are old enough to survive.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today was the first time that we saw the baby red bellied woodpecker, it was funny to watch the parent try to feed him. He has a little red over the top of the beak, so it must be a male. Dad was trying to get him to come down to the peanutbutter feeder but guess he was too afraid to attempt. When dad tried to feed him he knocked dad off the wood, the same when mom tried to feed him, he was actually pecking at her.
The end of last week the chickadees brought out their babies. It was a wonder they didn't get dizzy running back and forth from the feeders to the babies. This morning the parent would go to the feeder and then to a different branch to feed them, they all sat on a different branch waiting to be fed.
We thought we had a nest of brown thrashers but today I got a closer look and it was another bird, and it was attacking everything that was gettting close to the nest. They built their nest in the top of the tree that the woodpeckers love to visit. So this bird is a busy bird. The baby redbellied woodpecker was on the tree with the parent and it chased the father away and then went after the baby. It scared it to the ground, it just sat there for about 5 minutes. The bird went after the squirrel that was getting too close. I will have to look up what this bird is to add it to the back yard animals.