Friday, July 3, 2009

Bird watching in NJ

I didn't get to take many pics at family reunion, my camera couldn't get a clear shot at the distances. I did manage to get pics of squirrels hanging on the supporting posts, from the deck above. I will have to retrieve them once we get through the family pics. My mom keeps track of the birds that visit, and with all the people that were hanging around for the 4 days it was down, she must be glad to be able to see all her feathered friends now that we are all gone. I was teasing her that all her squirrels were fat, she puts out food 2 or 3 times a day. Peanuts,bread and seed, also she puts fruit and peanut butter mix out there in the morning. Her plan didn't work, they would put peanuts the furtherest from the feeders, then the bread and finally the seed closest. But the squirrels started on the seed then worked their way to the peanuts.
I haven't seen much action here in my back yard, my birds are probably not aware that I'm back, my feeders didn't get filled once they were empty, which was probably two days after I left.