Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Owl returns

We were out enjoying the cool evening, talking, kids playing ball. We saw a bird flying back and forth between two clusters of trees. Our backyard spot light was on, we thought it was a bat collecting the bugs that were flying in the light. But this bird had white so it couldn't of been a bat. The kids went in to get some italian ice and while they were gone, the owl landed five feet from us. But only for a couple seconds, even if we had our cameras we couldn't of reacted fast enough to snap a pic. It continued flying back and forth and landed again on the ground this time about twenty feet away from us.
It was the same small one that we had seen several times in our backyard, but what it is I'm not sure will have to find out what owls are that small. It couldn't of been more than six inches.

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