Monday, June 8, 2009

Great Crested Flycatcher, Cardinal, Downey Woodpecker

We moved our screened canopy to amongst the trees, its now the best place to watch the happenings in the backyard. I was sitting there just enjoying the beautiful weather that we are having, now that the rain has stopped.
I was watching the female Cardinal eating at the feeder, a downey woodpecker landed on a nearby tree. Something caught my eye, it was a brown thrasher having a time with a vine, something flew by and landed on a tree by the house. It was a Grest Crested Flycatcher, then he flew to the ground and was joined by another. They were hopping all over the place, one kept going into our fire pit. One landed on a branch next to where I was sitting. While this was all going on the doves were just walking around enjoying the seed that my granddaughter had put down for them. I was getting ready to go inside when the flycatcher was back at the firepit again. I heard a redbellied woodpecker fly over. The brown thrasher was joined by another and had moved behind where I was sitting pecking through the leaves, they are interesting to watch.
Trying to train my squirrels that when they hear coughing that they better run. It works sometimes, they just need a little more training. When I'm out there I cough while heading for them.

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