Friday, March 27, 2009

Is Red Pepper the answer

I was watching the squirrels this afernoon, I've seen them climb up to the tree and get close to the feeder but don't climb onto the feeder. I don't know if its because I fixed the frisbee that is on top of the feeder or if they can smell the red pepper. The Cardinals are eating at the feeder but the afternoon squirrels aren't, some what a success. But the real test will come when one of them moves the frisbee aside to get to the feeder. There are usually 7 or more out there early in the morning, so I'll have to wait til then to see. Meanwhile the cardinals are having a feast.
We also put out the bread ends that nobody eats in this house, but the dog loves them so today I put red pepper on them to, maybe she will get the idea when she eats it. The squirrel that is out there is so funny, he runs up and down past the feeder, he'll stop and hang there looking at the feeder, but just won't that the chance of going down it, maybe when another moves the frisbee aside he will.

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