Friday, March 13, 2009

Backyard Drama

I found out that there is indeed more than one pair of cardinals visiting my feeders. I was following the sound of a woodpecker in the woods next to my yard, and came upon a group of them having a disagreement.
This morning I was sitting out there a male cardinal was at the feeder, female was on the branch above him waiting, and a morning dove was on the ground. Our kitten chased the dove, the male took off and had a disagreement with another male they flew off, the female went to follow and ran into another female. Meanwhile on the limb where the dove landed was another one and they got into it, a third dove flew in and watched. They all took off. I came in to get on the computer and saw a pileated woodpecker on our wood pile, he was a big one. Once again our kitten chased him away. She is out there stalking the doves, she is determined and is now laying where they most often land.

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