Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cardinal fly by

I was sitting outback watching the birds, either there is more than one cardinal pair or these two eat alot. Maybe they are taking it back to their nest. The male makes the most trips to the feeder, with his mate watching. She will sit on a branch and watch what is going on before going to the feeder. But when she gets there she stays for a bit. This afternoon I was watching her at the feeder and turned my head to see this red thing coming right at me, and then go up when it got 3 feet from me. If he hadn't went up he would of hit me in the head, that was how low he was.
Last night something neat happened but will have to wait til I can get my hands on the pic, I sure hope that we got a shot of him. It was getting dark, and all you could see was his outline. But there was no mistake what it was..

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