Saturday, March 14, 2009

This owl landed on a tree not that far from us, I know its dark I can barely see it. I'm going to have to see if I can enlarge and lighten it a bit. We think the little white spot is the flash hitting his eyes.

This afternoon looking out my window, which faces the back yard, I saw the funniest thing. We have a kitten, she likes to hang around the trees where the birdfeeder hangs. Well we put some dried fruit and nuts out there, in hopes to distract the squirrels, the crows found it. There are three big crows, they are bigger than our kitten, she is looking at these birds and didn't move, the birds were watching her. The one crow was sidestepping over to the fruit one step at a time, keeping an eye on the kitten. It took her long enough to decide whether she should chance chasing one of them, but she did and they flew to the tree and it sounded like they were laughing at her.

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