Friday, July 3, 2009
Bird watching in NJ
I haven't seen much action here in my back yard, my birds are probably not aware that I'm back, my feeders didn't get filled once they were empty, which was probably two days after I left.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Pesky squirrels again
My hideaway garden is coming along, planted two young elephant ears,asparagus fern, a four o'clock. I moved the other feeder out there too and put stuff in there to entertain the pesky squirrels. They ate the flowers off my morning glories.
My other garden finally has flowers, half of what we planted didn't come up, but the butterflies have found them.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My watching spot
Today we trimmed up some of the branches that were against the house, the squirrels would try to get to the feeders from there. And the birds were all chattering, they usually sit on the branches waiting for a turn at the feeder. Now they can't get as close. With these hot days it seems that the squirrels are not in the yard during the day as much, good for the birds they get to eat.
Our kittens are so funny, they like to sleep in my shoes, I will have to get the pics from my daughter.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Great Crested Flycatcher, Cardinal, Downey Woodpecker
I was watching the female Cardinal eating at the feeder, a downey woodpecker landed on a nearby tree. Something caught my eye, it was a brown thrasher having a time with a vine, something flew by and landed on a tree by the house. It was a Grest Crested Flycatcher, then he flew to the ground and was joined by another. They were hopping all over the place, one kept going into our fire pit. One landed on a branch next to where I was sitting. While this was all going on the doves were just walking around enjoying the seed that my granddaughter had put down for them. I was getting ready to go inside when the flycatcher was back at the firepit again. I heard a redbellied woodpecker fly over. The brown thrasher was joined by another and had moved behind where I was sitting pecking through the leaves, they are interesting to watch.
Trying to train my squirrels that when they hear coughing that they better run. It works sometimes, they just need a little more training. When I'm out there I cough while heading for them.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Great Crested Flycatcher, Screech Owls
I've seen the Great Crested Flycatcher still hanging around in my yard, I was trying to catch the brown thrasher when I saw him sitting there with one of the little ones.
I just can't seem to catch the brown trasher, wren, doves or a good one of the blue jays that are all hanging in my back yard. They are all so flighty or just too far for my little camera to get a good clear shot.
Guess I'll just have to break out the good camera and hope that they sit still long enough for me to focus on them. HAHA, well at least with that camera I don't have to get too close to them, then I'll have to patiently, yeah right, wait to get them developed and hope that I got a good shot.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pileated woodpecker invasion
This morning my backyard was noisy, there were pileated woodpeckers everywhere. I followed a group to the back of our yard and got some pics of them. They are so hard to catch, they move alot. I think one group was a family of three, when they moved to a tree and a fourth one tried to join them he was chased off.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Rain Rain
The weather was beautiful this morning, so I filled the feeders. The chicadees are emptying their feeder faster with the new family additions. Mr. and Mrs Cardinal were at the feeder many times. We have another cardinal couple who visit the feeder, and Mr. C will stand watch while the Mrs. eats. Once he is sure that the intruders aren't around he will go and eat while still looking around. My grandson was sitting on the slipnslide and he watched him to make sure he wasn't going to move before eating.
Female and Male Red Bellied Woodpecker were at the feeders. Today the female didn't want peanut butter mixture she usually eats, but the male had his fill. I saw their baby only a couple times. I think its a male, he has the red beginning right over the beak.
I haven't seem the Great Crested Flycatcher at his nest, I wonder if he moved his family, they chose a open tree for their nest, maybe the weather these past days have made him move. I saw him around but not on his tree.
I tried to get this pic of a squirrel curled up on a branch trying to stay dry, his tail up over his head, my shot didn't work through the screen.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Rainy days for birdwatching
I got this feeder in hopes that the squirrels wouldn't be able to eat from it, well that didn't go as planned, they seem to be able to get the food from it. I've had enough this squirrel has eaten too much I'm going to have to go out there and chase them away. They only go up the tree and wait for me to leave and come back. Even with me sitting there they still attempt to get more.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Great Crested Flycatcher
I'm told I'm lucky that they decided to nest there, I hope to get some pics of the babies before they leave. And maybe next year they will return or their parents will. I just hope that their tree is still there. We lost one and the top part of these old trees in storms already.
Baby screech owl news
They won't be returning either of them to their nesting tree. I feel now that we should of only given them the one that was not moving very much. He was the reason that we called someone in the first place. Should of put the alert on to the side til they left and placed him by the nesting tree for the parents when they returned that night. Live and learn, but now the baby will have to grow up without its parent.
Not fair.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
What is this bird?
Picture of baby screech owl
Baby screech owl, it fell out of its nest. The top part of the tree fell during a storm, and when the sun hit the tree it must of disoriented them and they fell.
We turned them over to a place, and regret it now, we should of kept the one that seemed ok and turned the other one over to them. The parents came back looking for them when it started getting dark. They called and now we can't have either of them back unless we cap off the top of the tree, which is impossible. This tree is unstable and leaning something against it would bring it down, it is a regular stopping place for other birds. We are considering building a nesting box for screech owls in hopes that the parents will take it. We were told that its early enough that they might give it another try and want them to come back.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Baby screech owls parents return
Baby screech owls
That is really cool that they return them to the spot where they were born.
I'll be posting some pics as I get them from my daughter.
Of course we got pics my daughter is inside downloading them, she will be sending them to me. Most of their coats are the white fuzz, with some grey and black feathers coming in. If she doesn't return we will have to decide quickly what to do, lots of research, call someone about them, should we keep them and try to raise them til they are old enough to survive.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The end of last week the chickadees brought out their babies. It was a wonder they didn't get dizzy running back and forth from the feeders to the babies. This morning the parent would go to the feeder and then to a different branch to feed them, they all sat on a different branch waiting to be fed.
We thought we had a nest of brown thrashers but today I got a closer look and it was another bird, and it was attacking everything that was gettting close to the nest. They built their nest in the top of the tree that the woodpeckers love to visit. So this bird is a busy bird. The baby redbellied woodpecker was on the tree with the parent and it chased the father away and then went after the baby. It scared it to the ground, it just sat there for about 5 minutes. The bird went after the squirrel that was getting too close. I will have to look up what this bird is to add it to the back yard animals.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Owl returns
It was the same small one that we had seen several times in our backyard, but what it is I'm not sure will have to find out what owls are that small. It couldn't of been more than six inches.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Yes We Have Downey Woodpeckers
I'm still having trouble with these pesky squirrels, they are digging up my gardens. Every morning I find big holes in the container with the tomatoe plants, and the cucumber plants to. They are digging in my caladium, pulling out my morning glories, not eating them just pulling them out and leaving them lying there.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The one I was looking up was smaller and only black and white, it could of been a downey or a hairy, won't know til I can get a closer look. We had spotted a small bird with red on the back of its head, but not the right coloring for the red bellied, looking at this new page it could of been the downey or a yound pileated. Got to get some binogalurs, to get a better look at these birds.
Today was the first in a long time that I saw a hummingbird at the feeder, glad to see they still stop by once in awhile, but with out the glasses I won't be able to see what one it was.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Gopher Tortoise
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Downey Woodpecker and Peanut Butter
I saw chickadees and the titmouses at it too. Even the Cardinal pair stopped for a taste. Of course the squirrels have had a crack at it a time or two. all they can do is lick it. With the downey woodpeckers feeding on the peanut butter mixture it leaves more for the other birds, once they get on the feeder they stay there, or scare off the others when they land.
The confrontations today were the usual, male cardinal chasing another, bluejays were getting into it, even the doves were at it.
This little green hummingbird was flitting about this afternoon, it started at the birdfeeder, then to the two red feeders along the house which are both red and then it left, never checked out the hummingbird feeder
Friday, April 24, 2009
Gopher Turtle?
Downey woodpecker and peanut butter?
Haven't seen the hummingbirds lately though. And the Cardinal were eating at the feeder earlier
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Birds feeling neglected
My little squirrel chaser is not going out in the mornings as usual, she is going to be a mother and seems to have become lazy in the mornings. When I let the pup out she races around the house to the squirrel tree looking for the buggers.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Owl was here again
I wish the other picture came out better. I wonder what owl it is
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The hummingbirds found us
Now I wonder what the squirrels are going to do in the morning when they see something hanging there. I certainly hope they don't knock it down and break it, its going to be another week before I get to the store to replace it.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Free plants
Really you should check out the link, he has all kinds of interesting things on his site, free stuff too, now who doesn't like free, especially when it comes to setting up your garden.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Woodpecker nest hit the ground
I can hear the pileated woodpecker out there now, its knock is much louder than the downy woodpeckers.
Didn't get to make the pinecone birdfeeders, we went out to the woods and checked under all the pine trees and there were none. I should of gone to the park and gotten some but I wanted the kids to be apart of it. So will have to leave that for another day.
These pesky squirrels won't give up
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ceyenne pepper didn't work
I'm going to try and put a better obstical on the hanging feeder, the one there isn't really working once the wind moves it.
When the grandkids get home from their weekend at grandmothers we will make some pincone feeders, I'll be hanging them along the house the squirrels can't get to them there. They have won one battle but I'm not done.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pinecone birdfeeder
Is Red Pepper the answer
We also put out the bread ends that nobody eats in this house, but the dog loves them so today I put red pepper on them to, maybe she will get the idea when she eats it. The squirrel that is out there is so funny, he runs up and down past the feeder, he'll stop and hang there looking at the feeder, but just won't that the chance of going down it, maybe when another moves the frisbee aside he will.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Try Try Try again
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Another attempt to keep pesky squirrels away
I've been reading about the critters and several suggestions mentioned to put chili powder, cayenne... etc. on the seeds. The birds don't seem to mind it. Well I have seen several birds eating from my experimental batch so now I have to see what the squirrels think about it.
Right now my guard cat is on duty, but it seems that they are no where to be seen, my yard must be their early morning feeding ground. Our kitten loves to climb trees and she has moved from the ground under the feeder to one of the trees.
I was given some shepards hooks, so I will be putting a feeder on one and hummingbird feeder on the other, just have to figure out where to put it.
Yesterday we were working on the butterfly garden, we might have to rethink not sure its getting enough light because of all the trees. Its either full sun or very light sunlight.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Yup it was temporary solution
Saturday, March 21, 2009
My squirrel problem
Blue Jays building
So I will leave it there until tomorrow.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pileated woodpecker

Time to rethink it
Monday, March 16, 2009
Additions to the bird area
We added another bird feeder and bird bath to the trees in the middle of the left side of the yard. And there is our kitten sitting there looking for the birds. She will lay down waiting for one to come along. We plan on adding some plants around the trees, perhaps some morning glories, not quiet sure yet.
The Owl
Saturday, March 14, 2009

This owl landed on a tree not that far from us, I know its dark I can barely see it. I'm going to have to see if I can enlarge and lighten it a bit. We think the little white spot is the flash hitting his eyes.
This afternoon looking out my window, which faces the back yard, I saw the funniest thing. We have a kitten, she likes to hang around the trees where the birdfeeder hangs. Well we put some dried fruit and nuts out there, in hopes to distract the squirrels, the crows found it. There are three big crows, they are bigger than our kitten, she is looking at these birds and didn't move, the birds were watching her. The one crow was sidestepping over to the fruit one step at a time, keeping an eye on the kitten. It took her long enough to decide whether she should chance chasing one of them, but she did and they flew to the tree and it sounded like they were laughing at her.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Backyard Drama
This morning I was sitting out there a male cardinal was at the feeder, female was on the branch above him waiting, and a morning dove was on the ground. Our kitten chased the dove, the male took off and had a disagreement with another male they flew off, the female went to follow and ran into another female. Meanwhile on the limb where the dove landed was another one and they got into it, a third dove flew in and watched. They all took off. I came in to get on the computer and saw a pileated woodpecker on our wood pile, he was a big one. Once again our kitten chased him away. She is out there stalking the doves, she is determined and is now laying where they most often land.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Cardinal fly by
Last night something neat happened but will have to wait til I can get my hands on the pic, I sure hope that we got a shot of him. It was getting dark, and all you could see was his outline. But there was no mistake what it was..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Todays happenings
We have a hummingbird feeder, just haven't figured out where we are going to put it, would have to be the backyard, not many windows offer a view from of the front of this place.
Gotta run out there and chase them off.
Free plants and much more....
Now that the right time of year is here I can start using some of those free items.
Below in the clearing of trees I was thinking of a bird bath and some wild flowers, still up in the air about this
Just above the cinder block is a green bird feeder, very popular with the squirrels and the cardinals. We have a pair that visit there often when the squirrels aren't there.
Below is the other half of the middle cluster of trees in our yard, in amongst these trees was the other place that we were considering for the birdbath.
Below is the kids play area, and as far as the back yard goes, we aren't going to be putting anything in this area because of the kids, all that noise.
Our front yard is another blank slate, but we will be working on that too, we have gotten some roses for it, but not sure were to put them, I had a spot picked out but as I was poking around in the dirt discovered that there was a big tree stump. So have to refigure on that one.
My journey to a wildlife habitat
I love going out in the morning and listening to all the different birds chirping, and I want to bring them in closer so I can see who is making that noise. Butterflys flit there way through our yard I want them to stop, so I can get some pictures of them.